Chro_M@tic R@cing

by Jonathan Fellay, Tristan Thévenoz, Jonathan Giezendanner

Early Coffee Games is participating in the exhibition À toute vitesse: Tinguely et le sport automobile presented at the Espace Jean Tinguely - Niki de Saint Phalle from September 24th 2021 to June 26th 2022. This is an opportunity to offer a digital and playful perspective on emblematic works by Jean Tinguely: Chro_M@tic R@cing.

Freely accessible at the exhibition, the interactive installation is suitable for both children and adults. You can also follow its operation via the dedicated Twitter account @ChroMaticRacing. The installation will then become part of the permanent exhibition and will be accessible until 2025.

Méta-Matic No. 14 The sidecars, the riders and their suits imagined by Tinguely. (source: photo by R. Lohrer, from the website of the Espace Jean Tinguely - Niki de Saint Phalle)

Chro_M@tic R@cing and Jean Tinguely

Chro_M@tic R@cing is freely inspired by the two side-cars and the matching suits painted by Jean Tinguely with which it is presented. More broadly, it is the artist’s aesthetic and his famous Méta-Matics that have nourished the creation of this installation.

Méta-Matic No. 14 Méta-matic no 14, Jean Tinguely, 1959. (source: photo from the online catalog of the Tinguely Museum in Basel)

The visitor is involved, by playing, in the creation of a graphic work, just as, with the Méta-Matics or the Retable de l'abondance et du mercantilisme (also present in the Espace), the visitor participates in setting the machines in motion, producing either a drawing or a mechanical cacosymphony.

Retable de l'abondance et du mercantilisme Jean Tinguely, Retable de l'abondance et du mercantilisme, 1990. (source: photo from the website of the Espace Jean Tinguely - Niki de Saint Phalle)

By moving the approach into the digital universe, Chro_M@tic R@cing raises questions about randomness in computing and the freedom of players in a closed and limited environment.

Game concept

Local 2D game, Chro_M@tic R@cing plunges two players into a hellish sidecar competition. More or less controlled skids, brushes, paint can explosions, all the moves are allowed to be crowned champion!

In the heat of the action, it’s hard not to get stained! The players’ suits and vehicles are covered in colors according to the actions performed, the blows given or received and the elements of scenery destroyed.

The winner is proclaimed after three successive races: the yellow race, the magenta race and, finally, the cyan race. For variety, each circuit is randomly selected from among fifteen original models. Will you be able to keep your title?

Printing and virtual exhibition

The assigned colors determine all the elements that make up a race, environmental or interactive, as well as the tire marks that players leave behind or the stains on their suits.

All of these marks are then layered to create a unique and original abstract work of art, the result of the two competitors’ hard-fought battle and their interaction with the game.

Players can leave with their printed work or find it, along with all the others, in a virtual hang on Twitter @ChroMaticRacing.

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