Articles tagged Art

Chro_M@tic R@cing

Sep 23 2021

Early Coffee Games is participating in the exhibition À toute vitesse: Tinguely et le sport automobile presented at the Espace Jean Tinguely - Niki de Saint Phalle from September 24th 2021 to June 26th 2022. This is an opportunity to offer a digital and playful perspective on emblematic works by Jean Tinguely: Chro_M@tic R@cing.

Freely accessible at the exhibition, the interactive installation is suitable for both children and adults. You can also follow its operation via the dedicated Twitter account @ChroMaticRacing. The installation will then become part of the permanent exhibition and will be accessible until 2025. more

About the early visuals of the game and their main concepts

Jul 25 2021

As we approach our second milestone, I wanted to write this blogpost about some aspects and core ideas regarding the visuals of our game. In our workflow, we design everything together by bringing ideas and sketches and by discussing a lot. I then produce a first draft using the almighty superior pixel art software aseprite, and when everything seems OK I proceed with the animations before we implement them in Unity. more